Course on music word processing for education

The Software Finale

The course is aimed at all teachers who want to enhance music teaching with the new technologies that are made available today. With a view to an innovative and digital school, the use of music notation software can facilitate the learning of music in its many facets.

The teacher will receive basic knowledge of music literacy using the Finale software. Various topics such as writing and performing, transport and recording with audio editing software (how to recognise an audio file, open it and edit it) will be covered during the course.

The different uses of Finale in education, especially in the area of disability and inclusion, will be considered.


The course will cover all those topics that will enable the teacher to be autonomous in the recording of audio tracks and their combination with midi tracks, prepared using Finale software.



Finale ® MakeMusic / MidiMusi certified teacher



The course consists of 20 hours of tuition including:

Musical literacy
Guide to using Finale software and audio editing programmes
Classroom exercises


  • Musical literacy;

  • Introduction to video-writing

  • Guided or manual creation of a score;

  • Insertion of notes and rests;

  • Score management;

  • Playback;

  • Setting keys and tonalities;

  • Adding and editing time signatures;

  • Instrument expression;

  • Instrument articulations (dynamics, phrase and value slurs, recurring musical symbols);

  • Word processing and learning music theory;

  • Editing audio.

  • Musical alphabetisation: sound; notes; the staff; keys; measures and staffs; values and rests; time; slurs; irregular groups; the interval; alterations; scales; tonality; dynamic and expression signs;
  • Introduction to video-writing;
  • Guided and manual creation of a score;
  • Insertion of notes and rests;
  • Score management;
  • Playback;
  • Set keys and tones;
  • Adding and editing time signatures;
  • Instrument expression;
  • Instrument articulations (dynamics, phrase and value slurs, recurring musical symbols);
  • Word processing and learning music theory;
  • File audio;
  • Audio software: main tools; basic operations on audio files; effects;
  • Manipulation of existing audio tracks.
  • VST;
  • Instrument Assignment on Finale;
  • Exporting a Midi file;
  • Audio/midi files: managing a midi file within a project; exporting a track.

When will the lessons take place?

Classes will take place on Saturday mornings


Each course participant must have his or her own laptop with “Finale” notation software (trial version or licensed version).


The course will be conducted in two modes:
● In attendance at the Music ART House Academy
● On-line (via streaming platform)